Currently missing: storm bolter plus his left eyeball |
It's been a fairly busy week so the command guys are slow going. So far I've got the armour up to the first highlight stage, and done the first level of gold as well as base coated misc bits. I tend to take a somewhat piecemeal approach to painting, as production lining bores the ever living crud out of me pretty quickly...
My pose is commandingly generic! |
I realised how hard I made things for myself with the first sergeant's cloak way too late, unfortunately. It's going to be a real swine painting the inside of it behind his legs, and he's attached to those legs preeeeetty firmly. I tried a bit of an experimental wriggle to remove the torso, but no dice. I'm too worried about screwing the model up to give it a really good wrench, so I'll just have to accept that it's going to be a bit of a mission, methinks.
He'll take your gene seed when you're not looking |
Because that's an issue when you're a genetically engineered eight foot tall killing machine in shiny powered armour.
I guess when he runs out of bullets he can stick the banner somewhere painful... |
"Gooooooldfinger! He's the man! The maaaan with the gooooolden thuuuuumbs..." |
As soon as I find my other arm you're in for the bash |
Anyhoo, that's me for now. Peace out my homies.
0 bleatings to Megapope: