So I decided that the half finished Khador Behemoth that had been lurking sullenly around my In Tray finally deserved to be finished. It was hard work! Damn thing weighs a ton and I really wanted it to look good as the model makes a great centrepiece for a Khador army (at least one without a battle wagon or a colossal).
I'm pretty pleased with the end result, I feel like the extra effort really paid off. Glowy effects around the vents don't look too bad for a first attempt and the battle damage on the warjack's paintjob looks decent I think. Anyhoo, here's some pics.
Looks really great. You somehow managed to make the weird leg pose on the base model Behemoth look like a front rower in a rugby scrum look like he's hunching down about to launch forward and smash the ever-living-crap out of something, Nicely done!